Come check out my new Blog!

I have a new blog - visit and I would love to hear your thoughts - I look forward to reading your comments on the new blog! : )

Move Your Business Intentions Into Reality

Do you sometimes wonder what's the point of setting intentions?
Some entrepreneurs set goals and intentions with joy; but
others sabotage their business success by subconsciously
waiting for their intentions to bomb. Which is it for you?

I've spent a lot of time creating vision boards, journaling,
writing success recipes - you name it. I would do it all with gusto
and secretly wonder, does this really matter? I mean, I've done
it for 30 days and, well, where's my millions?

Until now.

Now, let me share first my yearly wahoo! of celebrating my
birthday (April 21 - I love my birthday!). I always take
time to reflect (in a good way) over the past year, where
I've been, where I'm going - that kind of thing. I also
often go through some reflections and look back over various
journals, mementos and past intentions that I set. I
remember when I was doing this a couple years ago that I was
literally astounded as I read and looked at "my intentions"
from 2001. First, I was shocked at how much of it had
happened and second, I had to laugh at some of what I had
put my energy and focus on
... I had manifested
everything from long hair to starting my own business, to
getting married.

But just for giggles, let's take a look at the intention to
have long hair, shall we?

So back in 2001 I was having a tough time. You may have
heard me say this before, but I was very sad. I started a
new job with a major salary cut, was dumped by my boyfriend
(harshly) and my city underwent the largest on-soil
terrorist attack in U.S. history-all in the same week. The
months that followed were not pretty. As I looked over some
of the intentions I had created for myself that year, I
couldn't believe I listed in my top 5: grow my hair long.

How embarrassing!

Grow my hair long? Where was world peace? A healthy relationship?
Increasing my income? Oh, it was there, but as I reflected
on the results of that year, guess what I was successful at?
You guessed it-long hair.


Of course, you might be thinking growing long hair is no
where near as tough as starting a business. True, for some.
I personally had struggled for years with growing my hair.
And this is where the magic lies. I had so much else
going on that I didn't give my hair a second thought. It
just happened.

So as you create goals, make vision boards and use other
tools to get you closer to what you want, I invite you to
also be aware of what I've come to call your "back-stage
When I used to teach drama, I would stress to
my students how important the stage crew is.

They are vital. A show cannot powerfully function without a
stellar crew. However, all the audience sees is the
performance. And that's the way it should be, but if there
isn't synergistic support between back and on stage, you've
got a mess on your hands.

What's going on back stage for you?

I'm happy to report that I've learned to ask for much more
than long hair and continue to constantly partner my back
stage energy, and have watched my life and business
continue to blossom - including tripling my income, every
year for the past 3 years.

I'm so grateful for the magic I get to partake in every day
as I watch client after client really tap into the power
that is solely, uniquely them and turn it into business
profits that serve themselves and the greater whole which is
the world. It doesn't get any better than that.

But what's most amazing to me is to really experience the
immense growth in income when the focus is taken - off the
Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't watch your
numbers or care about your business' financial success; I'm
just sharing the true magic I've seen when the energy is
directed primarily on "how can I serve in the highest way
possible" ... and then the opportunities flow in and the
bank account fills up. It's such a

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action

Are you stopping your marketing before you get to the
"Call to Action" step?

Joyfully build this step into all your marketing and I
guarantee you will attract more clients, more easily.

Isn't it time you opened yourself up to change the way
you've been "doing business"?

Isn't it time you truly moved your business intentions into
reality? Join our FREE EnergyRICH® Teleclass on January 05,
2009 from 1-2:30pm Eastern/NY! 2009 is YOUR year to shine! This teleclass
gives you the most important energy management and marketing
tools you need to really break you through those blocks -
you know the same ones that have ALWAYS held you back. I
will share with you the power of partnering the inner and
outer approach to business every step of the way.
feel your energy shift right on this call! And get some
great practical business building "how to's" at the same
time! Register here:

How To Attract Your Ideal Clients Instantly

In the last EnergyRICH® Ezine I shared the importance of
allowing your potential clients to dip their toe in the water
of your business before asking them to take the plunge of a
larger commitment. (If you missed that article you can see it
here right at this EnergyRICH® Business Blog
) And then the
next question I always hear is: "Yeah, but ... how do I meet

potential clients to begin with?"

So let's just imagine a possible scenario ... you
meet someone at a networking event, you click, you really
like this person - there's synergy there, you discuss your
business and hear about theirs. After the evening you
follow-up and let the person know what a joy it was to meet
them, they say the same, you then begin to connect
regularly, you share and give very helpful information, the
person joins your on-line community and begins to receive
your newsletter, you send a personal invitation to a
presentation or teleclass you're giving, they pass your
invite on to a good friend and colleague, the colleague
really connects with what you have to share and joins the
program you introduce at the end of the class ...

New Client!

Now, also keep in mind that TONS of other people also
received your invitation to your presentation or teleclass
(because the above situation or a shortened version has
taken place many times!). They really connected with what
you shared and joined your program, too!

I've seen this work amazingly well time and time again.

Ok, let's just imagine another possible scenario ...
EMERALD Mentor Client I was recently coaching created a
joint venture (JV) partnership and put together an
introductory workshop in their partner's conference room. My
client snail-mailed an invitation and then made follow-up
calls to every single person who received the invite.
She filled TWO events in a matter of days and
65% of the folks who attended became clients for the new
service she was offering.
Her JV partner was very happy
to have supplied the conference room since she received a
portion of the return.

Happy-happy for all!

And just one more another possible scenario for the power of
three ... an
EnergyRICH® VISIONARY Mentor Client, a very
heart-centered financial planner, had recently been
certified in a new program. We had her simply call past
clients, meet with them to share this new service and she
had more business than ever before
- in just a few weeks!

The mistake I see so many entrepreneurs make is they invite
a potential client up to the place where the entrepreneur is
sharing high-quality information with the prospect, usually
with an eZine or newsletter, and then they wait. And wait.
And wait. For a potential client to call. And when the
prospect doesn't call ... frustration. Determination that
"THIS" doesn't work. Well, great if a potential client does
call, but just because someone joins your community doesn't
mean that they WILL. You must connect with them, communicate with them, call them to action and do this consistently (I just gave you the 4 Secret C's of
EnergyRICH® Marketing right there, by the way :))

This will have you serving high-paying clients much faster.

You can do this - even without the internet.

For example you could develop a list of potential clients
through folks you meet at networking events, mail a
newsletter twice a month, send a postcard once a month
inviting people to your own introductory events, follow-up
with those who attended, share the
PROVEN EnergyRICH® Prospects to Profits Process with them and turn them into clients.

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action

Are you stopping your marketing
before you get to the "Call to Action" step?

Joyfully build this step into all your marketing and I
guarantee you will attract more clients, more easily.

Is it fear that's stopping you from inviting potential
clients to join you? I want to share with you exactly how to unlock a
powerful instrument that is inside YOU.
An internal tool
that is just waiting to be used by you to immediately create
energetic shifts that will bring you external results
(more clients, more money)
more quickly than anything
you're doing right now to "make it happen." Join me
for this FREE full 90-minute teleclass that is going to
activate in you a powerful awakening to an internal key that
will catapult your success. Register here:

Do You Let Your Prospects Toe-Dip?

To every knew potential client your business is like a lake
on a nice summer day ... the idea seems like a good one,
but plunging in could be a shock to the system ...

This is why it's important to have a way for your potential
clients to dip their toe in the water of your business. From
this toe-dip experience then a prospect is often ready to
take the next step and engage further with you ...

You must understand that a prospect doesn't usually get very
interested, let alone excited, about using your services,
until they have a deeper sense of who you are and what you
can do for them.

Giving them a way to experience your business and an
exceptional toe-dip allows for this to happen.

So, what are some toe-dipper possibilities?

-audio recording
-in-person presentation
-executive briefing
-initial chat with you
--- and more

These are all ways for folks to get an experience with you
and to say, "Hey! This water isn't too bad. It actually
feels good. I can wade in a bit deeper ..."

Your toe-dipper provides that missing piece between their

interest and desire and then their full engagement with you
(sort of like dating before marriage, right?). Their flow
into the deeper water of your business is directly tied to
one, very important element:
an energetic connection!

Take a look again at that list of toe-dippers and you'll
notice that

the majority of them are interactive, rather than inactive.
They are deep; they are dynamic, not one-dimensional.
When a prospect has an authentic-energetic experience of
you, they are naturally drawn towards you and are more
willing to take the next step.

Once you develop your first toe-dipper, you can then create
a multi-toe-dipper process that includes more than one from
the list above (or other toe-dipping inspired ideas you
receive). Whether you have one way to toe-dip or many you
want this first experience with you to lead to an invitation
for them to connect with you directly.

And then you simply follow-up with those who feel called and
express interest in taking the next step to connect directly
with you!

In our next
EnergyRICH® Insider Secret Tip
we'll look at how to set things up so your potential
client's can find your toe-dipper to begin with.

Stay tuned!

EnergyRICH® Call to Action:

1. To get the best results from your marketing, you
need to create a process that allows your potential clients
to connect with you in a way that is easy-breezy and feels
good to them - allows them to dip their toe into the water
of your business.

2. Take a look at your business and ask: Where could
I most easily and quickly add my first (or next if you
already have one in place) toe-dipper? When you commit to
this path, you'll find connecting with potential clients a
whole lot easier and much more fun!

What can you do to easily create not only an effective
toe-dipper, but your whole marketing funnel flow?

Join the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp
and an amazing group of entrepreneurs who are ready to blow
the roof off of 2009. You'll stop playing small and be given
a proven step-by-step process that will have you powerfully
and profitably partnering with your high-paying ideal
clients. Only 1 SPOT LEFT so just grab yours, ok?

THE Secret to Staying on Your Success Course - No Matter What!

EnergyPOOR Entrepreneurs believe their success is
primarily their own doing.
They believe in the self-made
person theory.

EnergyRICH® Entrepreneurs are aware that all good things
come from the spirit of love.
They know love is the
natural order of the Universe, and that ego and self-pride
have been created by man over time to cover a fragile
self-image. It is simply trying to protect you. But this
false-protection is also limiting your ability to grow,
shine and move beyond where you are.

So you give gratitude.

Your recognition of and gratitude for the power of love
creates more abundance in your business and life. This fuels
the fountain of potential.

What will clog this fountain is ego. What is ego? Ego
is the evil stepchild of fear. The best thing you can do is
lock the door when ego comes to town and only tune into the
energy of a spirit-based consciousness. Here’s how you
recognize the difference:

The Spirit is …

Devoid of pretension

The Ego is …

Fear driven
Afraid of risk

Now, the ego-mind will try to keep you struggling and

When you open your heart – this is when Spirit comes in.

This is a shift from “making decisions for yourself” to
merely asking to be guided. This allows you to follow a line
of service and the unfoldment of your highest good.

Each of us carries a guide within (your 7th Energy Point
located right above your head). You may sometimes be
reluctant to trust this guide when it comes to you because
you are so accustomed to taking your cues from the outside
rather than from the inside.

The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you
where to go right now, and when low level energies appear
(fear, doubt, worry, judgment, blame, anxiety …) it
means you are being called to trust your divine guidance. It
speaks in whispers and this can cause you to hesitate not
knowing if you’ve heard correctly. But the indications are
always clear: in following your inner guide you will feel
more whole, more connected, as if you are moving outwards
from the very center of your being.

We’ve been taught, for the most part, to doubt this guide or
to believe that it is either one end answer or none at all.
The thing is, as you go with this guidance, you’ll begin to
see that it is often an unfolding of one-step-at-a-time. A
reminder that this is all we can ever do anyway.

When you awaken this guide, your life and business will
shower blessings and riches on you.
More than you could
ever conceive or, that’s right, make happen on your own.

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action:

Ask yourself every couple of hours throughout your business
day, “Am I operating from ego or spirit?” AND "Which do I
CHOOSE to listen to?

Fear doesn't keep us safe; love does. If you're ready to
step up and into all that is divinely waiting for you in your
I invite you to join the elite and become a member
of the next EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp. We'll have
you set up to create divine prosperity and freedom. I give you
every piece of the EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success
AND the steps you need to make it authentically,
naturally your own. Why struggle when you are meant to be
living the divine success of your dreams? Grab one of the
remaining 3 spots and enjoy an EARLY BIRD rate, too (ends
Friday 12/19)!

EnergyRICH FREE Teleclass - Prepare for 2009!

Reserve Your Spot Now for the Next EnergyRICH FREE Teleclass - Space is Limited!

"The Three Secrets That Can Shift Your Business From Being Fear Based to Financially Booming (a.k.a recession-proof your business now)"

Is your business controlled by fear or have you learned to handle fear like a snake charmer?

Are you ready to transform your entrepreneurial fears into dollars?

Imagine falling in love with what you used to cause you business worry and anxiety?

Think it isn't possible?

Join me for this special 90 MINUTE EnergyRICH® FREE Teleclass. You'll learn in-depth the 3 Great Moves to master the fear of being rejected by a prospect, shift your energy from fear to faith - and make more money while feeling fulfilled!

Wednesday January 5, 2009 at 1pm - 2:30pm, EST
To register:

How to Turn Mistakes Into Miracles (And More Money!)

When I think of all the mistakes I've made in my business
(some small and some not-so-small) it's important to remind
myself that “perfect” doesn’t equal more successful.

I've observed that one of the main things that keeps
entrepreneurs from marketing themselves is fixating about
"getting it right."
But this is where the famous popular sneaker
phrase pops up because it seriously is about jumping in and
doing “it” and by that I mean ANYTHING. Just get moving. It’s better to do
it wrong than not do it at all. At least the marketing
energy is moving.

Any shortcoming or small blunder will hardly ever wreck your

But getting so stuck in preparation that you never get
started, will stop you right in your tracks every time.

Worrying about making a mistake reminds me of freshman year
in high school.
Somehow in Junior High I was confident enough to perform a
solo version of King Lear for extra credit in 8th
grade, but when I crossed over the football field into the
High School everything changed. I suddenly second guessed my
every move. It was agonizing and a BIG expenditure of
energy. I shudder just thinking about it. I can tell you one
thing, I felt much more powerful in 8th grade.
So, let’s check in her for a moment - what's a better way to
do business – scared and second guessing or powerful and

In the EnergyRICH® Business Bootcamp, we underline three
major causes and effects you need to focus on in order to
market miraculously.
Ignore these and you're floundering. And I hate to say it,
but entrepreneurs do ignore them. Not on purpose, but
because attention is on the fear of making a mistake.

Let’s look at the three major “mistakes” you can bump up against and how to turn them into EnergyRICH® miracles:

1. Talking Yourself Out of It

You can spend so much time, attention and energy talking
yourself out of something before even starting it. You need
to develop a marketing way of thinking that is focused on
making a difference in the lives of the people that you
serve instead of tormenting yourself about rejection.

I was considering a joint-venture project with someone once
who as we prepared our proposal came up with over 10 reasons
of why it wasn’t a good idea. I’m sure you already realize
that I did not continue collaborating with this person. Why
sink the ship before it has even sailed!?

EnergyRICH® Miracle:
Declare, “My services are valuable. I will speak this, feel
this, believe this when connecting with my prospects and
they will then see the value as well.” If you don’t, who
will? If you don’t, why would anyone give you money for what
you have to offer?

2. Getting Yourself Tongue-Tied

The bottom line of business building as an entrepreneur is
conversation. It's connecting with people in a way that has
them relating to what you have to offer. But obsessing about
the perfect wording is death to productivity.

Many entrepreneurs don't even realize that there's a certain
WAY of communicating that gets the attention and interest
from prospects and it isn’t about choosing the biggest, best
words in the dictionary.

EnergyRICH® Miracle:
Speak from your heart about who you are best at serving, the
problems they have and the benefits they will get from
working with you. Believe it and the words will take care of
themselves. People will be drawn to you and be happy to work
with you (and don’t forget to charge them when they show up

P.S. The same rule applies for verbal and written.

3. Becoming Paralyzed

There are thousands of different marketing approaches
you could use to get the word out - from networking to
skywriting. How do you know what’s most effective for your
business? Where do you start?

Well, the answer is: there is never just one-way, don’t do
something you hate and don’t use something just because
everyone else in your industry is. Entrepreneurs tend to
shoot themselves in the foot by using only one mode of
marketing, forcing themselves to do something because it’s
the “right thing to do when building business” and just
following what everyone else is doing.

EnergyRICH® Miracle:
Start with what you really love and then build out from
there (I always say you want an energy management and
marketing wheel that is constantly moving for you). I
personally like speaking and writing so I do both to connect
with those people who will benefit from what I have to
offer. I always make sure I offer the highest value and then
I keep expanding from there. What do you love to do? Start

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action:

1. Identify something you’ve wanted to do or implement in
your business but you’ve been a bit afraid.

2. Answer this: why aren’t you doing it?

3. Give yourself a small step to take in the direction of
“getting started” and DOING IT.

4. Mark on your calendar when you’d like it done by.

5. Find someone you can make a commitment to that you will
do this.

6. Go for it! “Worrying is like a
rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you
nowhere.” ~Glenn T

Ready to really blow through what's been blocking you and open

to receive some major miracles in your business? You can. Be an

EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp Early Bird. Miracles have been
happening left and right for current business boot campers: speaking

engagements, new clients, clarity, flowing passions and more money.

Reserve your space asap (enjoy an awesome savings. My gift to you!) and be

prepared to experience beautiful business magic in 2009! We are 55% SOLD